Monday, 30 September 2013

Bad Friends #2 [Motivational Monday!]

I noticed the other day that my most successful blog post to date is Bad Friends. It really inspired a lot of people to do something about the bad friendships in their lives. If you haven't read it click here. Its really heartwarming and I felt that you deserve to know whether or not I fulfilled the promises I made in the post.

The answer is yes. It took me a long time and its not been an easy journey but I finally changed my friends and I do not regret it at all. Its tough at first but now I'm happy with my life and I finally feel ready to move on.

Lets start from the beginning. When I wrote the post I knew that I wanted to change my friends but I was also not close enough to other groups that I could just join them without a worry, so I spent many months creating new bonds with as many people as I could. I'm now close to several other people and I'm no longer alone.

I joined a group of people in August who were close with one of my best friends who had also left the group but while she was happy there, I was not. I just didn't fit in as well as her so I moved on and near the end of September I joined a new group. These friends were much better suited for me and we get along great.

I'm also growing close to my old friends, now that I don't spend so much time with them, I realise that they are tolerable and I'm better able to communicate with them. I'm glad that I didn't lose my old friends when gaining my new ones and that I can finally say that I'm at peace with myself.

I hope that this motivates you if you're stuck in a bad, negative friendship or relationship and you realise that even if it takes some time, things will get better.

And if you ever need a friend, I'm here for you :) internet friends are awesome! I'll always be there for anyone who needs me because I know how it feels to have no one.

Also Union J has a great song "Beautiful Life" which is super it has cute boys so there's another plus. It speaks about how there are so many beautiful things in life and you just have to discover them.

There you go! A great Motivational Monday post.


  1. that was deffinately a motivational post! Love it!
