Hello Blogosphere!
After a long void of emptiness and nothingness, I thought it was time to make my comeback! And what better comeback than the perfect love story! No, not
that kind of love story :p. I'm talking about a love story that will never end in tears and possible heartache. A love to span decades and fill the world with a new sense of joy. I'm talking about family. I know you might be rolling your eyes right now but the fact is, with a family like mine, its hard not to fall deeply in love with the idea of a true love.
Love is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as a great liking or affection but that isn't even close to the truth. Love is a passionate feeling, a heart-warming, overpowering, life changing emotion... In fact not even an emotion! More like a way of life. That's how powerful love is! It has the power to literally take over your life, fill up all the empty spaces of your life and create a joy like no other.
Love is such a vast subject and I don't have enough time to describe every love so I'll describe a love that I've known all my life: family. I realise that many people aren't as fortunate as me in regards to family life so I definitely appreciate them a lot. The amount of time that my family has invested into my life has really helped shape me as a young girl growing up in this big scary world!
So lets start in the beginning, way before Moses and Adam and Eve. Wait, no, actually lets not go that far. Bad idea. I'll just start with my parents. They've been married for, like, eternity! Almost 20 years! That's a pretty good love story if you ask me. In December they will be married for 18 years. The story of how they met always makes me smile. And the engagement story, and the wedding day, and...well their marriage is just amazing and I'm proud of them for being such a good example.
I have many friends whose parents are divorced and my best friend once even told me that her parents' failed marriage has made her lose faith in the power of marriage. I think that I'm incredibly blessed. My grandparents, too, have been together for a long time, and all these amazing stories have given me a lot of hope for my future marriage. I can only hope others see them and realise that true love still exists.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, I will tell you about a love that took years to grow and manifest into what it is today. I am talking about the love between my sister and I. My sister is without a doubt one of my best friends and the one person I can always trust. I love her so much and wouldn't be doing most of the things that I'm doing today if it wasn't for her. She is such an inspiration to me and is like a stronghold during those really tough times in my life.
Considering the four year age gap it is quite strange that we get on so well but somehow we make it work. She's such an amazing person and I could write a billion chapters on how magnificent and crazy she is, but there wouldn't be enough time and I'd probably fail school if I did. Moving on, despite our close bond today, there was a time when we absolutely detested each other and whenever one of us tried to get close, the other would promptly kick the sister out of their room. That was without a doubt one of the worst stages we ever had.
Living with a younger sister certainly hasn't been easy but now that I'm growing up and learning about appreciation, and her growing up and learning to not be an annoying person (sorry Shirelle), we are ready to go forward with our sisterly love. And just because I can, I will now post many, many pictures of us- the worlds best sisters!

I should maybe talk about my cat now, shouldn't I? Okay, my cat is an ordinary house cat who's too lazy to do anything and lies around being fat. Not a pleasant description, I know, but its honest. I can't say I love my cat to infinity but I can say that I do love him. I've had him for about 2 years after our old cat, Shannon gave birth. My mom sent Shannon and most of her little babies to an animal shelter, FORA. They do not kill animals so I'm sure that even if they didn't find homes, they're happy where they are. Another cat, also one of Shannon's little kittens lives with our cousin nearby. We actually kept two of the kittens, Kitty (our cat right now, wow, points for originality) and another sibling who died after being in a horrible accident. :( Its really sad to think about it.
On a brighter note, I have recently started a YouTube channel with my sister. Please be sure to check it out. Thank you for reading, I love you all.