Saturday, 2 February 2013

25 Facts About Me

Recently I've seen many bloggers doing this so I figured it would be fun to do this too. Just following the crowd of course. My life really isn't that exciting but either way I plan on blogging it out so here goes nothing!

  1. I am a MASS of insecurities. I don't like my hair on some days, I hate my legs and bum. I guess my boobs are okay though...
  2.  I hate when people tell me to do something twice when I agreed to do it the first time. GRRR!
  3. My biggest dream is to travel to London.
  4. I wear reading glasses.
  5. I love malls, but there's never enough time to thoroughly enjoy what each mall has to offer. I especially love discovering what a new mall has to offer. I tend to get extremely excited!
  6. I have a bad habit of not completing a goal because I simply lose interest. Sometimes I sit and wonder how long this blogging thing will last...
  7. Chocolate is my weakness, but don't give me white chocolate. It makes me feel sick.
  8. I am extremely loyal and won't let you down if you're a friend on mine. I can't say I have full faith that my friends will do the same. 
  9. I actually sing pretty well but I tend not to sing in public because I don't particularly like having people's attention focused on me.
  10. I watch way too many YouTube videos. It can't be healthy.
  11. When I'm bored I talk to myself in strange accents. Don't look at me like that. Its not that strange, right???
  12. I lose lip glosses extremely quickly. At the beginning of last month (January) I had six lip glosses, today I'm down to only one. How wonderful.
  13. Eye make-up makes my eyes water so I tend not to use it too often.
  14. I regularly suffer from hypophrenia. I'm not sure if its a real word but it supposedly means "a feeling of sadness seemingly without a cause."   
  15. I love, I repeat, LOVE movies.
  16. I can play the piano and the keyboard.
  17. I am absolutely horrible in math.
  18. I love Karen Kingsbury books. She is a Christian author and her books are absolutely amazing.
  19. I am a Christian.  I think it was pretty obvious when I spoke about Karen Kingsbury.
  20. I want to make YouTube videos but somehow I never do them.
  21. I still watch Cartoon Network sometimes.
  22. I haven't been on a plane since I was small because my parents prefer driving. Idiots.
  23. I love exploring new places.
  24. I tend to stay at home on weekends. I don't really have a good reason for why I do it, I just do.
  25. I'm a major procrastinator.
Hopefully I didn't bore you to death. If you actually found me, please let me know! I would love to think someone on this planet reads what I'm writing.


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