As I mentioned before, my name is Justine, I've said it twice now so you ought not to forget it! I'm from South Africa and I'm 15. My birthday is 12 February and I'll be turning 16. I'm in grade 11. I live with both parents and I have only one sister, Shirelle, who is 4 years my junior. We live in a brown house and have one cat. I have a dark caramel skin tone(it would be lighter but I seem to be attracted to the sun and therefore I burn a lot), dark brown, almost black hair and brown eyes. So basically my entire body, from head to toe is brown.

I am a Christian, my dad is a pastor and my mom is a teacher. I have moved house 3 times before and this probably the last move I'll make until I leave school and go off on my own. I am aware of the fact that my family life is extremely normal and I'm fortunate to have such a lifestyle. Like most families, I get annoyed by my mom and dad, at almost-16 that is actually to be expected, but I rarely throw tantrums. I'm a pretty decent young woman and I have good control over my temper, even though I sulk sometimes. I am a good girl, there's no denying it. I don't drink, smoke, do drugs and I'm am still a virgin, thank you very much. These traits are all thanks to my parents who raised me with proper values, and respect for myself.
I'm one of the shortest girls in my school. I'm lucky enough not to have issues with bullying or constant teasing, in fact I joke about my height often as well! I've always been super short and there's nothing I can do about it, so why not embrace it. I'm "the cute one", the "short one". "shortie" and "kid" but I don't mind. So what? Short is fun! I can't live my whole life upset with God for making me this size.
When I leave school I plan on studying Journalism. I honestly think print journalism will be the best option for me. I love writing, reading and researching so this will be the perfect job for me! I've been spending a lot of my free time doing research on this career path and I truly believe there's nothing better for me than that. I've consulted with journalists, read countless articles and I know that this is where I want to be.
I was inspired to start a blog after discovering how many journalists started out with blogs. Another contributing factor was the Zoella. Google her if you don't know her. I started out watching her videos then reading her blog and I decided then and there that I too want to be a blogger. Who knows where this blog will take me? Only time will tell.
I hope you guys all enjoy my blog. Thank you for coming!
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