Saturday 17 May 2014

Women in the media!

Yet another social issue blog post. Justine get a grip of yourself. Oh well. I used this short little essay for a school assignment. Enjoy. 

In the media-women are underrepresented, unimportant or invisible.
-Julia T. Wood

Women are streamlined into one type: femininity. There have to be separate magazines for different genders because women are not considered equal to men. The only time women are represented in the media is as sexual objects or as objects for men’s use.
Women are taught to stay silent and only worry about their looks. They are insignificant and are merely something to be fawned over by the male reader. Actresses, singers, models are all depicted more for their looks than their talent. A show like the Kardashians would not be as good if it was males being objectified and shown to be as foolish as they are on the show.

An article about a male businessman is received more freely than one of a woman because women are considered inferior to men. According to statistics, only a third of women are represented in the media. Majority of successful people depicted in the media are males. This is not because of a lack of women who are empowered but because of how media depicts women.

Women in media are taught that they will only be accepted in society if they are beautiful, skinny and stupid. If that isn’t being depicted as unimportant then your perspective is wrong. Why can men be strong, but not women? Why male superheroes like Thor practically invincible but a female hero would have to be “depicted more realistically” as if Thor could not be sad but a girl has to be. Women are not inferior and the media should stop depicting them as such.


Sunday 13 April 2014

Catch up time

Oh my gosh! No new posts in four months? Clearly I am focusing too much on school than I am on fun things. We have got to sort that out right now!

Yay! New post! Only a few months late! No big deal! Whatever.

So here is a heavily summarized version of the last few months:

Firstly, I started my final year of school! Yeah bitches, high school is almost over! Gosh, you cannot begin to comprehend the level of excitement I feel just thinking about it. I am also doing incredibly well in school (except in maths) and university applications are going incredibly well. I've been accepted at my local varsity already and all my other applications are done. I feel productive.

I think I may have an anxiety problem, maybe I should see someone? This year is already stressing me out like crazy. Then again, I would probably be less stressed out if I did all my school work and was more proactive in school activities.

Oh, look it, a random picture of me...that's not strange.

My hair is growing out quite nicely! Thank god, at least I know one thing is ready for banquet. I'm not sure if I'll have a partner though.. It'll be sad if I have to go alone. Let us hope for the best in that department. I also really want to dye my hair for banquet, perhaps a purple ombre? Enough of hair stories though.

And here is a random quote that actually has nothing to do with my post but it's super inspirational so I left it

Okay, I forgot how I end my posts so... byeeee!

Saturday 4 January 2014

Happy New Years! [Tumblr Fix #1]

So today I realised that, as I sit here in the very, very early hours of the fourth day of the year, I am wasting my time. I have 365 days this year and 3 of them were wasted watching supernatural (not really wasting...right?) and using tumblr or watching tv or being overall a waste of time. I really need to strap on my boots (or sandals coz its summer here) and get livin'! Its not going to be easy, I mean I suck at the outside world but its time to get out there and live a little! I need to step outside of my comfort zone and do something that will make 2014 memorable.

I was reflecting on 2013 and I seriously think that this blog and my youtube channel were the only things I did that actually matter. I wasted an entire year going through a lot of crap and I need to get myself sorted out. I refuse to spend yet another year angry at fake friends, annoying family and wondering what the hell to do with my life. I also have to get over the idea that i need a boyfriend to be happy. I would very much prefer one but I wasted too much time being upset about it. I almost relapsed back into depression this year because of it. This year I need to become happy again, not the fake happy that I tend to be way too often but genuinely happy. I need to learn to love myself instead of wanting love from others. It wont be easy.

From tomorrow until the end of January I plan on posting a blog as well as a vlog daily. I refuse to let this year go to waste and I need to get motivated. a new year gives you a chance to sort out your life with a valid excuse. Its time to take control of my own destiny.

This year is my final year of school and I cant sit around for another year doing a big fat load of nothing again. It's my last year and my last chance, after this I move on to other places and new people so I want to leave everyone knowing I made an impact on their lives. I tend to give up too easily but this year it'll be different.

The thing that will make this year different is that this year it will be all about me. I'm done with being upset over other peoples perceptions of me. i just keep thinking that this time next year I wont care what they think so why should I care now. Only 11 more months with them then I'm out, out of the pain and guilt and worry and into my new life. If I wont care then, why should I care now? This year is my year, no one else's and no one will get me down. Not this year.

2014, come at me bro!

Also I really liked doing tumblr fix last year so I think I'll do it again. Maybe once a month?
Tumblr pics of new years 2014:

Leave your tumblr urls down below and I'll follow you coz I love you <3. Follow me on stinobear.tumblr,com


PS: How are we already in 2014? I haven,t even gotten over Christmas yet?

Monday 2 December 2013

Alone in a Crowd

Lets face the facts, one of the best feelings in the world is finding a true and loving friend. A best friend who can lift you up on your darkest days or make you feel special. Its something even a introvert like myself wishes for. All I truly want is a friendship where I don't feel like I'm the only one putting in the effort. I've addressed bad friendship on several occasions but I know I am yet to see that phase of my life over with.

There are days when the idea of having a good friend whom I can trust and be assured that they wont leave seems impossible. I sit around not able to imagine someone caring enough about me to let me feel safe. I always feel like one day they'll up and walk away and I'll be alone again. People who I confide in often leave me and I have major issues with allowing people in because of it.

I do try to be nice to everyone in the hopes that one day someone will prove me wrong and show me that there are people out there who care enough to hold on. I'm not the easiest person to get along with, I'm quiet, sarcastic, awfully rude sometimes and too stuck in my own world but I know I can't be the only one who is like that. I'm always trying to find a positive twist on everything and I'm a genuinely nice girl but I tend to shut people out. I just feel that I need someone to want to break down my walls. I need someone who cares enough to try with me. I need a friend who will never give up on me because I will never give up on them.

I have all this love to give but no one to give it to. I have friends but I don't have true friends. I know when I leave school at least 90% of them will never speak to me again. I'm not much of a people's person so it will be okay but I know I still want them to. Maybe I need to change but what kind of friend would I have if I only got them because of a false exterior. I need someone to take me as I am right now and grow with me.

I feel so alone in a world full of all kinds of people. I'm alone in a crowd.

Here's one of my favourite songs at the moment, I feel like it embodies exactly how I'm feeling.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Photo Diary

I recently did a video montage on my YouTube channel and I decided to do a little photo diary of all the pictures I took! Hope you enjoy it :)


Okay so maybe it was a little more than just a little photo diary but I hope you enjoyed it. Check out the video montage here!

Love you all lots

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Exam Time!

So, I haven't posted a new blog, video, haven't checked any of my emails or even been on tumblr in such a long time. There is a simple explanation for this: I start exams next week! This month has been such a rush to finish everything on time, add in boy drama, friends, an obsession with wattpad as well as school monitor duties. With all this going on I barely have space to breathe.

This is really just a filler post so that you know that I'm not leaving again for another two months. I'm still here and I want to thank everyone for their support. Your comments mean the world to me because it keeps me going.

If you're also writing, good luck and study hard.


PS: Here's a random picture of me, just in case you end up missing me too much :p

Monday 30 September 2013

Bad Friends #2 [Motivational Monday!]

I noticed the other day that my most successful blog post to date is Bad Friends. It really inspired a lot of people to do something about the bad friendships in their lives. If you haven't read it click here. Its really heartwarming and I felt that you deserve to know whether or not I fulfilled the promises I made in the post.

The answer is yes. It took me a long time and its not been an easy journey but I finally changed my friends and I do not regret it at all. Its tough at first but now I'm happy with my life and I finally feel ready to move on.

Lets start from the beginning. When I wrote the post I knew that I wanted to change my friends but I was also not close enough to other groups that I could just join them without a worry, so I spent many months creating new bonds with as many people as I could. I'm now close to several other people and I'm no longer alone.

I joined a group of people in August who were close with one of my best friends who had also left the group but while she was happy there, I was not. I just didn't fit in as well as her so I moved on and near the end of September I joined a new group. These friends were much better suited for me and we get along great.

I'm also growing close to my old friends, now that I don't spend so much time with them, I realise that they are tolerable and I'm better able to communicate with them. I'm glad that I didn't lose my old friends when gaining my new ones and that I can finally say that I'm at peace with myself.

I hope that this motivates you if you're stuck in a bad, negative friendship or relationship and you realise that even if it takes some time, things will get better.

And if you ever need a friend, I'm here for you :) internet friends are awesome! I'll always be there for anyone who needs me because I know how it feels to have no one.

Also Union J has a great song "Beautiful Life" which is super it has cute boys so there's another plus. It speaks about how there are so many beautiful things in life and you just have to discover them.

There you go! A great Motivational Monday post.